Sunday, October 11, 2009

MQL5 ready for puiblic testing

It is going to be a busy period down the road now, with MQL5 being ready for public beta testing tomorrow (12 Oct 2009). MQL4 has become so popular that a lot of big time brokers have joined in. I am not sure if MQL5 will enjoy the same success.

First, MQL5 is object-oriented, so it will be a steeper learning curve. Most retail forex traders will find it harder to learn.

Second, the compatibilty with MQL4 is not maintained because the creators said the language concepts are just too different. They tried to keep the compatibility but they couldn't. So all EAs and indicators in MQL4 have to be rewritten in MQL5. We can only hope for someone to write a tool to do a conversion for us.

Third, there are just too much success in MQL4 to motivate people to migrate. The best thing happened so far is NFA's new rules which have rendered MQL4 useless so much so that some US brokers just gave up, or encourage traders to use the non-US operations.

We shall see. For me, it just means spending some time to study MQL5 and prepare for the day when brokers indeed stop using the MQL4 platform and force us to move on to MQL5.

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